What is the Network in Defense of Humanity?

The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity is a movement of thought and action against all forms of domination and exclusion.

The network of intellectuals, artists and social activists «In defense of humanity» emerged in 2003, on the initiative of leading Mexican and Cuban intellectuals, having their intention expressed in the appeal ¨To the Conscience of the World¨, read by the prominent Mexican intellectual Pablo González Casanova on May 1st at the Revolution Square in Havana, as a result of the dangerous situation for Cuba and all the world progressive governments threaten by the North American Imperialism. At this difficult juncture, it convenes the First Encounter of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity during October 24 & 25, of 2003 in Mexico City.

The movement became consolidated in the World Meeting of Intellectuals and Artists «In Defense of Humanity¨ held in Caracas in December 1-5th, 2004, with the attendance of 400 participants from 52 countries and diverse cultures who agreed on the need to build a barrier of resistance against the global domination that wants to imposed, as well as, go into the offensive with concrete denunciations mobilization and new alternatives. The first one, decided at this meeting, was to create a network of information networks, cultural arts action, solidarity, coordination and mobilization, linking intellectuals and artists in social forums, popular struggles and ensure the continuity of these joint efforts in an international movement in defense of humanity.

From 2004 to date, the Network has covered a path of actions and efforts, interrelating with other social movements and diverse sectors of society, based on the 10 thematic axes or principles enunciated in Caracas

  1. In defense of our planet for everyone
  2. In defense of peoples’ integration 
  3. In defense of an economy of emancipation and solidarity
  4. In defense of sovereignty and international legality
  5. In defense of unity in diversity and culture for all 
  6. In defense of knowledge for all
  7. In defense of popular participation
  8. In defense of the truth and plurality information
  9. In defense of memory
  10. In defense of peace


This Network was thought, created and promoted by the commanders Fidel Castro Ruz and Hugo Chávez Frías, and other personalities such as the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, the Nobel Prize winners Rigoberta Menchu, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Wole Soyinka, the Five Cuban Heroes, and among more than 15 thousand prestigious artists, intellectuals, scientists and social fighters from all over the world.

It has a transversal, horizontal and inclusive structure. The members are grouped and interrelated through national chapters and in some cases regional chapters or nodes in universities, institutes of thought, social organizations or thematic networks.

It is proposed to develop two fundamental aspects of activity: the mobilization of international public opinion around the ten thematic axes that govern it and or any just cause that needs to be denounced and defended, and the other aspect, the development of critical, anti-hegemonic thinking disseminated through printed and digital publications, seminars, conferences, research, virtual forums, etc.), where local initiatives are decisive.

In view of all the above, we invite you to support the incorporation and participation for the growth of the REDH as an independent social and intellectual movement and, at the same time, committed to social justice.

–          Organizational Structure of the REDH

The REDH has a transversal, horizontal and inclusive structure.

It has a General Coordination based in Caracas, Venezuela and an Executive Secretariat.

The members are grouped and interrelated through national chapters, in some cases regional ones, nodes in universities, institutes of thought, social organizations, or thematic networks.

However, there are many countries where there are individual participants in the Network


–      Nodes of the REDH:

•             Network of Poets in Defense of Humanity coordinated by Alex Pausides from Cuba and Fernando Rendón from Colombia (http://www.palabradelmundo.cult.cu/)

•             Theatre Network in Defense of Humanity coordinated by Manuel Santos from Argentina

•             Canto de Todos, coordinated by Vicente Feliú, Cuba

•             Network of TV stations and channels in Defense of Humanity, coordinated by Ghasan ben Jeddo, President of Al Mayadeen and by Omar Olazabal, Cuba


Digital media and social networks of the Cuba National and International Chapters:

–          Sites and blogs:

General Blog of REDH: https://redendefensadelahumanidad.wordpress.com/

–          REDH in Cuba:

Cuban Chapter Blog (Spanish): https://redh-cuba.org

Blog Cuban Chapter in English: http://cuba-networkdefenseofhumanity.blogspot.com/

Blog Culture and Resístanse – Cultura Y Resistencia (Spanish):  http://culturayresistenciablog.wordpress.com/

Blog An engangered species – Una especie en peligro (Spanish): https://especieenpeligroblog.wordpress.com/

Blog For Culture and Knowledge for All – Por la cultura y el conocimiento para tod@s (Spanish): https://porlaculturablog.wordpress.com/

–          International

REDH-Argentina: https://redhargentina.wordpress.com

REDH-EE.UU: https://indefenseofhumanity.org/

REDH-Brasil: https://brasiledh.com/


REDH- Uruguay: https://redh.uy

REDH-Venezuela: https://redhvenezuela.blogspot.com/

–        Digital Dossier REDH (Spanish): https://redhdossier.wordpress.com/

–         TV program in Cuba Network REDH

«Pensando en Red» on Cubavisión Internacional, director Omar Olazabal. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pensarenred/